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Decide to Put Slacktivism to Death

Decide to Put Slacktivism to Death

There is a lot of talk in recent years about the rise of “slacktivism.” As social media has grown and become an awareness-raising machine, this idea of “slacktivism” has emerged. In short, it is being willing to post/share/comment/like—but be unengaged otherwise. Slacktivism is talking big game about your feelings about issues—but ultimately doing nothing. It is akin to a boat that is ashore. It has potential, but it needs to be brought back into the water to really make the difference that it was intended to.

5 Things to Start in 2014

New Year’s celebrations started as a pagan tradition, worshiping Janus (a two-faced god who looks backward into the old year and forward into the new) thought to be the protector of beginnings and endings. During the Roman reign, it was not uncommon to see statues set atop bridge columns where passersby would touch the head for good luck.